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Habbo Hotel

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Why does anyone use this shit?
Why does anyone use this shit?

For the other, drama-filled side of Habbo, click here.


You know why.

Habbo (sometimes referred to as "Hobo Hotel") is a website made by a roving band of escaped mental patients with a degree in Computer Science III who formed together to create the company that is called Sulake.

The Habbo website itself is full of bullshit. The actual Hotel itself is made of virtual 2D rooms in which "people" make avatars that can interact with each other. People sometimes go completely straight bonkers and think this website is completely real, forming meaningless "relationships" to feel as though they are loved, have digital lifeless idiot "friendz" to fill their IRL social void, and create such hollow groups as defenseless armies, Harry Potter Sex Castles, Hospitals for the Terminally Stupid, and "Sexy Nite Clubz".

Up until the Great Habbo Uprising of Sulake, where Sulake updated Habbo so much that it became unrecognisable and pretty much untrollable, players could dress up as a "Nigra", a black man in a standard suit and a black afro, and block places, usually entrances to rooms, simply by standing still. More people made more successful raids. After the Uprising, this the pool has now been permanently cured of its AIDS.

Failure Incarnate

The Habbo Overlords

These are the paid IRL people who rule over Habbo Hotel. They can usually be found camwhoring with youngsters, having incest with their mothers, having little boys suck their dicks for Habbo coins, or even abducting foreign schoolgirls who wouldn't have a fucking clue. They are generally white supremacist.

Tips on how to get "Laid"

We all know that Habbo Hotel is really an Internets Dating Site formed by none other than the creator of the Internet - Former President Al Gore. In 2003, Habbo Hotel was one of the best places to get laid on the internets, be it by 13 year old boys or hot young girls. Join today!

Make sure to be discreet when asking for cyberz!1 in Habbo.
  1. Stand/dance around.
  2. Get teh sexy blonde spikes, teh hot button shirt, and teh erotic sandles, and then say "PRESS 222 IF U WANT S...EX!"
  3. Don't be black. <- Important.
  4. Spam links to your nudes constantly and do not stop until they reply.
  5. Ask nicely. <-Very Important.
  6. Say please
  7. ???
  8. PROFIT!!! GET AIDS!!!

Ending Your Ban

End Your Ban: The Lazy Way

Example of a ban that makes complete sense in all ways

Permabanned but don't want to be? Simple! Just fire off this custom-tailored message to the staff. No matter how much they tell you about OMG OMG DEY STOLE MY FURNI, just ignore them. Keep telling them 'none of the above' or 'other'... they're really just fapping to pixelated Habbo CP and don't want to answer your question.

Last Thursday I was sitting around the 'Habbosphere Pool Deck' when a lot of disruptive habbos came in and said something about AIDS and pool closure. Of course, completely confused, I decided it was best to leave. However, they blocked my exit, and when some of them finally left I tried to leave.
I can only assume the moderator believed it was I who was causing the disruption, because they then banned me for two hours.
Please may I receive further information on why this ban was justified? Have I committed an offense? If so, I apologize fully and I implore you to detail me so I can avoid making this mistake again. I do not believe I had committed any offense.
Thank you.

End Your Ban: The Hard Easier Way It's only harder if you're a fucking moron.

This is blocking?
  1. Download this
  2. Run the program.
  3. Unbanned
  4. ?!?!?!?
  5. PROFIT!!!

If that doesnt work try this.

  1. Download/Run CCleaner (Need to exit firefox before doing this)
  2. Unbanned
  3. ?!?!?!?
  4. PROFIT!!!

If that doesn't work reinstall flash. If that doesn't work try a proxy. If that doesn't work try a new computer. If that doesn't work ask someone else, if they say the same, consider it win.


There are many people stupid enough to play Habbo hotel. However, they can be sorted into a few distinct categories, almost all of which you will encounter at some point if you take part in a raid.

Average Habbo

A basement dweller. Acts normally enough until he notices you're in his way. May make half-hearted attempts at insulting you, but can keep it up for an unhealthily long time. It's almost as though he has nothing else to do. "mom told me i neet 2 walk teh dog" is a keyword for "Brb fapping"

Unconfident dweeb

The kind of absolute twat that'll ask 'please move' when you're standing in a doorway telling him he now has aids. Treat them with the kind of scorn reserved for...well, for Habbo.

A girl

Well, as everyone knows, there are no girls on the internet, so this logically leaves us with three options. 1) it's a forty year old pedophile, 2) it's a very confused 13 year old boy, or door number 3) it's an absolute munter nobody would touch with a ten-foot dildo. Some act like the aforementioned unconfident dweebs, some try to flirt with nigras to get them to move, and some try just hurling abuse.

Internet tough guy

On Habbo, some of these people take on even more lulzworthy aspects, due to the fact that they believe they're part of an 'army' or 'police force' or 'mafia'. Some will even try to attack you, despite the fact that it's a family game and you cannot in fact attack people. Point this out to them for epic lulz.

Gothic Mafia

Uh oh, looks like the Goth Mafia is gonna take us down! They're not gonna take shit from ED anymore! And for your information, THEY DO HAVE LIVES!!! I mean, look at these guys:

They mean buisiness! They hack Habbo and DO NOT hang out with noobs! Got it, PUNK? DON'T FUCK WITH THE GOTH MAFIA OR YOU MIGHT GET HACKED!!! Oh BTW, this threat is from 2008. They recently tried to scare ED by getting an old man to speak inaudibly while a shitty T-Pain song was played over him. Pretty scary huh?????????????????????????????????????????

In reality that video was made by some fatass basement dweller and those pictures were probably taken from Google Images. Trolls trolling trolls you stupid fucking Newfaggots.


Someone who goes around dressed in black with a 'crazy' hairstyle. May even have the word emo somewhere in their names, such is their fail. Just tell them to become an hero or say that My Chemical Romance suck, they won't put up much of a fight.

Emo in the closet

Someone whose profile matches exactly that of the common emo, yet upon questioning will passionately deny any emohood, any liking of MCR, and any touching of underage girls.

Muyu, a typical Habbo emo.


Beware of Fake Winrars...

People who, upon seeing the loyal ranks of the blackade, have their hearts filled with pride, and join in. That, along with how pissed-off people can get, makes it all worth it. CAVEAT: beware sleeper cells.


A loser among losers. Someone who takes the cake and eats it. For example, the person who actually paid Habbo money to get people to move, or the person who themselves admitted they were trying to get to a pool that didn't actually exist. Also incorporates that rare breed, the wannabe nigra, who thinks BAWWWWWWWWWWWWing about Mudkips makes him win.


You, unless you're some kind of dweeb overlord who reads ED in an ironic sense and blah blah blah BAWWWWWWW. Can be separated into 4 categories: newfags, those who do it for the lulz, hardcore fuckwits who've memorised every meme and are as laughable as the emoest of emos, and people that dress like a nigra just so they can get through, to the pool and stab you in the back during raids.

The Hot and Juicy Racism


If you're a Negroid, the Habbo Moderation Brigade will ban you for saying "bobba".

The Habbo Way is in all respects a set of hidden rules that, in short, say that if you are of African American descent, you are to be banned at the stake by the crack moderation staff. So, playing a black Habbo, especially one with a suit on and an afro, will usually get you banned if the Moderators catch you. As of recently, i.e. last Thursday, creating a black character with an afro will get u instantly banhammered. Fucking Moderators!

Around the pools in Habbo Hotel, there are these signs that say "WHITES ONLY" and "NO NIGGERS" on them. This is because, as the old Habbo Moderator saying goes, "Dem niggers ain't allowed in this here pool because these damn coons carry the AIDS."

The Habbo Civil Rights Movement

Habbos find a way to stop the /b/lockade.

For years now, the Habbo Hotel has been getting raided by a rogue team of United Internets Special Forces who protest Habbo and its racist way. These brave men in uniform carry out their counterproductive raids, in which dark skinned men with afros in Armani suits storm the building and deny children access to the pool, occasionally stopping to kick sand in their faces. Some argue that this benevolent display of black pride is the Habbo world's equivalent of the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's, but with opposite results. Habbo shows no signs of removing its racist policies, and usually if a dark-skinned but overall innocent player is in the same room as an organized protester, he or she is immediately racially profiled and subsequently banned, regardless of their behavior.

Trolling The Habbo

It's fairly simple. Just find a spot where lots of people want to be, and make sure those people can't get to where they want to be by simply standing in the way. This would usually be blocking the entrance area to the pool by allotting four NigraJim's in a row (one must also block the fence passage to the left), and by standing around in front of the door leading into the diving board tower. The ladder leading into the pool itself must be blocked with a U-formation around the ladder. All of this should accompany announcements of how racist the Habbos are, especially the mods, while shouting Black Power and the likes. Try to do it while the mods are at their "national socialist" rallies. Ladders of pools, narrow hallways, and thin doorways are good places to stand around and piss off the losers who spend all day in what is furryless Furcadia (Which leaves lonely retarded 'non'-furry teenagers). Occasionally let a few Habbos pass through, as to keep them waiting there hoping to be the next to be able to pass. Habbo now also has American Idol rooms, in which the hotel's moronic denizens are praised for typing the lyrics to their favorite emo songs in what amounts to a pitiful circle-jerk of mind-boggling proportions. Make sure to block these rooms and flood them with Bel Air and Rick Roll, especially if one of the Habbofags is trying to 'sing.'

Note: If you use The Habbo US, look for "PieGoddess". While not dressing like a nigra, she assists and helps any btard that is black and has an afro. She showed great trolling skills in the 2010 July raid. Don't be fooled by her appearence similar to every other cunt, this is merely a disguise. -A Concerned Nigra Habbo spy.

However, 'pro' habbo lolcows can be found all over habbo hotel, with their casinos which they use to steal furni off of some 13 year old who used up all of next week's phone credit for twelve ducks and a doormat, (You'd think they'd have started with wallpaper?). Due to habbo not having any gaming licensing laws, the mods actually do absolutely fuck all about it - but then if you're batshit fucking insane enough to actually pay for virtual furniture that doesn't actually exist, then you know you're going to either have it stolen from you by some lolcow whom either runs a casino, or is a habbo hotel moderator who boots you from the site should you choose to complain.

To do the above however, takes time - and the downside is that you need furni in the first place, which either means paying habbo hotel, or finding some complete and utter retard to just hand over their entire hand of furni to you - which might be easier said than done if you tell them they'll get AIDS from that hand if there's furni resting on it's sweaty palm.

Expert blackading advice

Mainly what to say. Sometimes, stating the facts just doesn't cut it. If your adversary is an emo, or has something in their name about a 'police force', 'army', or 'mafia', exploit it mercilessly. Remind them of how much of a loser they are. Point out how they will never get laid. Some will actually agree with you; lulz aplenty to be had. Some will try racism. If they do, easy, say you reported them. Nine times out of ten, it'll shut them up. If anyone sends you a friend request (disturbingly common), accept, send them a message (something along the lines of 'YOU FILTHY FUCKING PEDOPHILE CUNT') then remove them. And some of them will actually try engaging you in an in-depth argument, the result of one too many attempts to persuade nigras to move and one too many rejections IRL. If all else fails, resort to 'NO U', or just go AFK for a bit and play Tetris or something (possibly the best method). A little trick worth a good few lulz; if there are people past the door blackade, and you're blocking the pool, try moving away from the pool briefly, then moving back when they try to get in. Accompany this with a witty epithet...something like 'NOT 2DAY'. AND REMEMBER: if you're not getting over 9000 lulz, you're doing it wrong.


How to be a communist. Make it black to be a Nigracommie.
Pub's closed due to capitalism.

As of March 30th 2009, communists began infecting the pool with even more AIDs, with their leader Dr. Raptor Jesus and Shoopisma, who were formerly niggers, but became white in an attempt to give a new twist to something old. The communists successfully took over the green table, however, they then left for the superior red tables, but failed. Communists are nothing without fucking tables. After which, the Reds made an alliance with the Niggers to create the CommuNigger Alliance. They then blocked the pool, and produced many lulz. Later they shouted in the library, raped several people, argued that Avatar is an anime to a massive number of Weeaboos, and enlisted Suards to block enemies of the working class into the inability to move.

On June 29th, 2009, a group of communists successfully took over many parts of the UK hotel. They started off by claiming a part of a dance floor and threatening to kill anyone who came near. Newfags attempted to join in but soon became bored. As time progressed, moar and moar area was stolen. In less than an hour the communists had taken over the whole fucking room. The communists began moving up the stairs and claimed moar rooms. The British began fighting back and yelling out chants. The communists finally gave up when several were banned and habbos made their way into the room.

Furthermore, they took part in the July 12, 2009, raid, fighting in the lobby and several clubs throughout the hotel. Many were lost, due in part to their suicide charge battle tactics.


Famous /B/lockades

The Great Raid of 2006

Epic Battles

All other raids were/are fail and gay.

The Habbo People

After finding out how much Habbo Hotel blows ass, you'll be quick to see how the community relates.
There are two types of people in this hotel: norms and HC. Between these two competitive species, they tend to fight over each other for the most fucked up reasons of all; which is the better latter. These 'HC' who possess more clothing and features, have a fetish for raping every single person in sight (excluding normals). 'Norms' on the other hand just suck more ass since they're poor.

Habbo Club

After creating Habbo, the staff realized they've run out of money to supply their child porn magazines and dildos, hence they decided they should make a clever plan to leech money off 10 year old kids who think it's "s00o k0ol" to have different shit than everyone else. Soon they made the feature that made Habbo even more lame - The Habbo Club. For admittance in the club, you require to

  • Have a fetish for small children.

* Have a penis the size of a toothpick (regardless of gender).
* Satisfy your sexual needs by fucking the nearest living pixel to you.
* Have AIDS.
Even if you join HC without meeting these standards - you will automatically receive the before-mentioned traits.
Yet be wary - if you disturb these delicate creatures in any possible way, they will gain massive butthurt and molest you in any way possible. Since 100% of HC consists of faggot-spoiled, emo bitches who don't know how spell 'Feel' even though they claim to be over 17, it is nearly impossible to have a conversation with these species because they literally have no common logic. If one of these assholes approach you, immediately commence trolling and name-calling.

Habbo V.I.P

Basically the same as Habbo Club, introduced after the Great Habbo Uprising of Sulake, but with more "free" stuff, more clothes, more fanboys and 12 year old girls. Costs even moar IRL moneys as Habbo Club.

The Norms

The 'norms' are basically the poor faggots who like to suck other HC's balls and then whine about it later. 98% of these people will either -

  • Have no fucking clue what they're doing.
  • Want to get AIDS.
  • Harass you for free stuff - "plz plz plz pleeeeeasssee giveee meh tah fr3e stuFf!!".
  • Attempt to convince you in having 'v3ri HaWt sM3xy P0rnz' with him/her.
  • Dress as a whore in high heels and bacon hair (regardless of gender) and try feel your E-penis.

Once you have spotted one of these ill-diseased creatures, make sure you scam 'em good, for 'norms' are known for great bait to hacking and scamming (since they believe that a jewish-looking black man will come up to them and give them free stuff for no reason).

Delicious Copypasta

[-+]Bel Air

[-+]Pool's Closed Forever

[-+]'/B/attle Hymn of the Republic'


[-+]Master of Blockers

[-+]Hotel Habbofornia

[-+]Chocolate Raid

[-+]Blockin' on Habbo's Door

[-+]At the pool

[-+]Germany was having trouble

[-+]Horse scat

[-+]Pokemon Theme

[-+]Grand Old Time

[-+]I Like to Watch

[-+]All your base belong to us

Dec 1 2007 Habbo Raid Speech

they simply wanted to be remembered they wanted to keep the pool free for people of all the countless centuries yet to be

free of the racists free of the AIDS

and so on that day they were banned and my bruthers were banned

barely a year ago long i pondered my bruthers' talk of victory and time has proven them wise

but from free black to free black the word has spread that the bold 300 nigras so far from home laid down their lives

and not just for /b/, but for the lulz and to stop the spread of AIDS

now on this ragged patch of internet called habbo hotel the mods' hearts face obliteration. the mods will huddle sheer terror gripping tight their hearts with icy fingers knowing well what merciless horrors they suffered at afros & suits of 300 nigras

yet they stand now across the internet at over 9000 nigras standing proud ready to close the pool at will

the enemy may overpower us individually, but with our sheer numbers they will be overwhelmed

this day we rescue a world from racism and AIDS and usher in a future brighter than anything we can imagine

give thanks men, to afro duck and the brave 300 prepare for glory for tonight, we dine at KFC!

related JewTube:

Extra win goes to anyone who improvises something...perhaps 'We Will Block You' or 'For Those About To Block We Salute You'.

How to Bobba on Habbo

Nigger Negro/Ni99a/Nig/NlGGER (little L) (Last Thursday the infamous "nigra" became censored)
Fuck Phuck/Fuq/Fuk/Fucc
Pussy Pu$$y/Pussi
Ass(hole) Arse/Arsehole - WARNING - doing this will make you sound like a total loser
Rape Raep
Sex Secks
Gay Gai
Shit Sh!t
Dick Dlck - use lower case L for I
*Fun fact. When typing in all caps, you can use a lower case L for i in any word that would normally be Bobba. You can say things normally if you take off the chat filter from your account settings, but you can still get banned so, yeah. Or to make it all easier, just substitute a letter in the word with * or choice symbols for a letter. Ex: ni99a, pu$$y & sh!t

Habbo's "Clever" Idea

With the staff getting tired of banning everyone that is black, they decided to make it so you can't block doors anything. You can now walk through other users on the first row of tiles anywhere in a room. They seem to not understand the fact that raiders will now just get on a shit load of clones and fill up all the slots for public rooms. So they decided to fuck their asses with lube

Habbo's "Clever" Idea 2

Noticing the large pile-ups of nigras in the pool area they decided to delete the pool. This enraged lots of nigras, so a raid was had on almost all rooms.(The .com version probably still has a pool)

Pools open again. - LOL DELETED AGAIN AS OF JUNE 2011 - Nigras everywhere decided to celebrate by blocking the pool on August 17, 2009. Unlike most raids which usually end in a rather short period of time, this raid went on for just about the entire day. It started off with a few newfags trying to block off the ladders. This doesn't work as people can still just walk through each other, but it was enough to convince the retards that they were actually being blocked. It took about 20 minutes for one person to actually try walking through the blockers and another 15 minutes for the rest of the retards to discover this little secret. Then they all jumped in the virtual AID-infested pool where they proceeded to sit there doing absolutely nothing for a few minutes before logging off. Later that day /b/lackup finally arrived and set up a blackade around the entrance to the pool. They were reported several times but the mods couldn't be bothered to do their job.

Great Islamic Raid of 2009 aka OPERATION: INFIDEL

Pool closed due to Infidels.

This time, on the date of 1/11/09 (11/1/09 for Britfags) the nigras have been relieved early of their duties, in place of the Islamic Brotherhood of Habbo, who, in their green turbans, filthy bushy beards, and dirt colored skin, have conquered the hotel, closing it due to Roadside Bombs. So far, an all day 24 hour raid has gone on, this time, extending beyond the pool, to every room in the hotel. Many people have given much displeasure to the fact the admins have let this go on, proving that they may indeed, be Habbibis and Abduls themselves, wishing to claim their 72 virgins and a mule.

The Raid continues as of 8PM PST, 1/11/09 (edit:how long? thats a lot longer than 24 hours!) HAHAHA DISREGARD, I SUCK COCKS!!!!

It should also be known that many of the hobbofag mods are predisposition to banning anyone who insinuates they are Muslim. This further proves that the entire of hobo hotel staff is completely fucktarded and racist. Recommendations are to use a proxy if you plan to Bomb Hobbo Hotel.

Current Raid inprogress as of 11PM MST, 11/3/09 Deemed OPERATION: INFIDEL PART 2. A continuance of a previous raid. This time pool was being 403'd, ERROR 403: POOL IS FORBINLADEN, as a result all Taliban were talib&.

5th of November Raid 2009

On 2009/10/05 /b/ raided again. As usual V stood model. Though relatively uncoordinated, the Raid beginning at 5 p.m. EST/11p.m. CET was a great success

for about one hour. But due to AIDS and Cancer it started to fail pretty fast. This time pools and ponds were being closed due to gun powder.

More pictures appreciated.

Heil J0k3str518, Der Führer of Habbo

With the buttfuck developers of Habbo that disabled blocking, Habbo trolling along with the Nigras had fallen. And so, from their shadows, a few /b/tard trollers have joined together to form a group that will some day take over Habbo Hotel. Among the Elites is J0k3str518, their leader, xoleslie, and WalkingDinosaur However, these Elites are short in number and need many Oldfag Nigras to join and lead them in the art of trolling. Join them immediately at

Habbo Silenced?

As of June 13, 2012, with Habbo's investors finding out exactly what kind of shitfest Habbo Hotel had become - they are pulling out one by one, deprievng Habbo Hotel's admins of their income (and CP). Panicking like a Whore who just learned that there were centipedes in her vagina, said admins have MUTEDHabbo Hotel's 'chat function', desperate to hang onto their jew gold.

More as this story develops.

Pools Open?

As of June 18th, 2012, Habbo hotel is no longer muted. Instead, to defend the kids from cybering with old guys, they force all users to take a 5 question safety test, which of course a pedophile couldn't pass.

Pools Closed IV: A New Hope

On Sunday the 27th of January, someone had the brilliant and original idea of raiding Habbo Hotel. So of course, every other kid who was out of school for the day wanted to join in. The idea was to make a Korean themed avatar and act like a communist for the lulz. However, unlike many other failed attempts, this raid was pretty decent. Sure, the newfags didn't know how to swastika but on a whole, it felt like good old times.

Casino Ban

On April 7th 2014, Sulake decided they got tired of having customers and loyal fans, and decided to rape every single rich Habbo on all hotels by placing a ban on casinos.

They did this by only allowing 3 randomizers per room.


Pool's open for pics About missing Pics
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See Also

External links

Habbo Hotel is part of a series on


Visit the Memes Portal for complete coverage.

Habbo Hotel is part of a series on


Visit the Chans Portal for complete coverage.

Habbo Hotel is part of a series on


Visit the Trolls Portal for complete coverage.

Habbo Hotel is part of a series on the Habbo raids. [CollapseExpand]
[WatermelonsFried Chicken]
Habbo Hotel is part of a series of topics related to Black People

AfricaAntigua and BarbudaAtlantaChicagoDead Nigger StorageDetroitE.S. Nigger Brown StandEgyptGambia ♠ The GhettoHabbo HotelHoustonKenyaLiberiaMediatakeoutMontenegroMozambiqueNawlinsPrisonRwandaSierra LeoneSomaliaSouth AfricaSoulja Boy Tellem ChatSudanTanzaniaWashington, DCZimbabwe


AboriginalBlackineseBoko HaramChavCripsGothNativeNiggerNegressNigraOFWGKTATransniggerWiggerYounger Woolwich Boyz


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Are You Serious?BECAUSE MY CAPS LOCK KEY IS LOUDBix NoodBrraa pap pap papBOOYA!Dat AssDINDUNUFFINEbonicsENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER DO YOU SPEAK ITFirst World ProblemsFlea Market MontgomeryFuck The PoliceGeorge Bush doesn't care about black peopleHack is Wack!Happy NegroI Go Chop Your DollarImma Let You Finish IM PRESSIN CHARGESNiggers tongue my anusNot racistRead a BookScrub Me Mama With A Boogie BeatSittin On Tha ToiletSmell yo dickThanks ObamaThe BoondocksThese CuffsWHOOYou'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack


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Featured article July 10, 2006
Preceded by
Habbo /B/lockade
Habbo Hotel Succeeded by
The Great Habbo Raid of July 2006
Featured article June 3, 2012
Preceded by
Habbo Hotel Succeeded by
Luka Magnotta